Parks communications improvement

We believe that no one is better placed to talk about protected areas than the people who are based there. At times when media attention is distracted away from nature protection, this can also diminish public knowledge and engagement about the importance and function of protected areas. It is therefore crucial that specialists working in protected areas speak up about the critical work they are doing. Recently, protected areas in Ukraine have increased their focus on communications and educational outreach, something that can be amplified substantially through training and capacity building. Therefore, FZS has been providing communication support to parks to help them communicate more effectively with various stakeholders and improve their image across a broad audience. The focus of this support includes the development of websites, trainings, production of media materials for communications needs, and more.

Brandbook for protected area institutions

A unified visual style is important for gaining widespread recognition. As part of the Support to Nature Protected Areas in Ukraine Project, where FZS is one of the executors, a brandbook with a uniform style was developed for all protected areas in Ukraine. The document contains templates for booklets, branded products, presentations, and much more. New logos that meet the brandbook standards have been developed for 13 protected areas.

Development of new websites

13 protected areas already have new websites according to the WordPress template, which was approved by Ukraine’s Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources as part of the Support to Nature Protected Areas in Ukraine Project. It provides a unified approach for a typical Ukrainian protected area website. Other protected areas may develop their website using a unified template following the dedicated instructions.

Training for communicators 

Specialists responsible for communications in protected areas usually require specific skills and capacities for doing their work effectively. Therefore, we provide training in writing texts, managing social networks, the basics of design, and a wide range of other communications skills. In addition to organizing training, we also provide constant consulting support to partner parks on communication issues.

What do we do

By combining international experience with local knowledge and expertise, we support the preservation of the large areas of pristine and near-pristine nature in Ukraine. We mainly do this by supporting projects in major protected areas such as national parks, biosphere reserves, and large nature reserves.