We are the Frankfurt Zoological Society’s (FZS) Ukraine team. Founded in 1858, FZS is an international conservation organization that supports projects in Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, and Europe. Our mission is to conserve wildlife and ecosystems, focusing on protected areas and outstanding wild places.

In Ukraine, we focus on preserving primeval forests and wetlands of global importance. We have supported programs in national parks and biosphere reserves here for two decades. Currently, FZS operates in 13 protected areas of the Carpathians. This is the biggest organization’s program in Europe.

Where do we operate

  • Carpathian NNP
  • Carpathian NNP
  • Cheremoskyi NNP
  • Gorgany NNP
  • Hutsulshchyna NNP
  • Skolivski Beskydy NNP
  • Synevyr NNP
  • Synohora NNP
  • Uzhanskyi NNP
  • Verkhovynskyi NNP
  • Vyzhnytsia NNP
  • Yavorivskyi NNP
  • Zacharovanyi Krai NNP
Protected Areas

After the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Carpathian protected areas faced new challenges. They have become a shelter for thousands of people fleeing conflict in the east of the country.  At the same time they had to continue daily nature conservation activities in the face of significant funding cuts. FZS from the first days of full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine have been supporting the protected areas in this new reality.

What do we do

By combining international experience with local knowledge and expertise, we support the preservation of the large areas of pristine and near-pristine nature in Ukraine. We mainly do this by supporting projects in major protected areas such as national parks, biosphere reserves, and large nature reserves.

Useful Materials

Over the years of the Frankfurt Zoological Society’s presence in Ukraine, we have already developed materials that can help improve the visual identity of nature conservation areas’ websites or their communication in digital channels.


With 55 thousand traditional tiles in place, the Gredel’s Palace roof restoration is complete

With 55 thousand traditional tiles in place, the Gredel’s Palace roof restoration is complete

The well-known palace in the Ukrainian Carpathians in Skole became a shelter for temporarily displaced people at the beginning of russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Gredel’s Palace is an architectural monument of great local importance.
A training course on nature interpretation has been held for the parks’ employees

A training course on nature interpretation has been held for the parks’ employees

One of the main activities of the FZS is to support environmental education activities in partner protected areas and to implement the best practices of working with visitors, as schoolchildren.